Today we completed our 3rd annual Knowsley Walk and Talk And what an amazing effort from the whole of our starting over family it was! The rain never stopped all day but nobody gave up and everyone battled through together to get to the finish line!! The whole group remained positive all day and supported each other and especially when the going got tough.
Extremely proud of each and every member of our family today.
A total of 18 of our members completed the whole course together leaving nobody behind
The question we asked the group at the end was Would you have carried on if you was on your own? And battled through alone? Would you have even attempted it?
I don’t think I would!
This goes to show It’s our support of each other that gets us through life’s storms and this is what today was all about. Supporting and encouraging each other to get through to the end no matter what was thrown at us.
Never suffer alone or in silence and let’s support each other 🌈❤️ #mentalhealthawareness #itsoknottobeok #suicideprevention #communityovercompetition #startingoverenterprises