During Lockdown we started a project that would help motivate people to stay active during the Pandemic and periods of isolation. It was at this point we devised our ‘Starting Over Virtual Challenges’ and our Facebook group. Working in this way enabled us to reach people who may be isolated from all over the globe. Members from as far as Australia were fully engaged in our challenges and posting regularly. Other members have openly stated how the setting of such targets were the main contributing factor in motivating them to get up and out of the house and engage in exercise during periods of isolation and depression.

It is due to this success and the continued uncertainty we face as a society we have decided to continue and build on these challenges. People will be able to not only engage in personalised challenges but will be awarded certificates and medals for their achievements. More information to follow as we develop this process. In the meantime here are a couple of examples of the certificates that can be won.